Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Birthday time

We had a few birthday's to attend recently. Neil's niece Elle turned 4 and we had a fun little party for her. Sadly, I put my camera away shortly after we arrived and didn't even get a picture of the birthday girl.

Avery was glad to see her 2 great uncles, Uncle Steve and Uncle Toe (Robert)

This is the skirt I made for Elle.

The following week we went to a birthday party for our good friends' little girls Maili (3) and Alexa (1). They have the same birthday! These were the skirts I made for them.

It was so fun to see all the excitement that a birthday can bring - especially to little girls!! Avery's is just around the corner. It will be fun, but at the same time, it kind of makes me sad that she is already going to be one! Slow down Avery....at least a little. I'm not ready for you to grow up yet!

Monday, October 12, 2009

What is THAT?

As Neil went outside the front door awhile ago, it looked as if some sort of fungus was growing on the rock under our archway up to the front porch.

But what was it??





Upon further inspection, we realized we had a couple (or 3 or 4) visitors.

We quickly let them know they weren't welcome.

Some left....others faced a gloomier fate.

That'll teach them not to mess with us. You're not welcome here!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy 6 years!

Neil and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on September 12th! It's crazy to think that 6 years have gone by, and that we now have the beginnings of a beautiful family! (No, that's not an announcement!)

I wish I'd have taken more pictures, but alas, I didn't. It was my year to plan, so I was a bit preoccupied.

We've been following the traditional list for anniversary gifts (found HERE). This year was candy/iron. I'm not sure why it has two, but I thought I'd go with both. I got this cute wrought iron Eiffel Tower to match with a painting we brought back from Paris.

Then I made him a candy bar card. Disclaimer: If you read the card, please note that ALL candy bar cards are incredibly cheesy.

He made me breakfast in bed in the morning and then we went to a 9-12 rally at My Noah's in South Jordan. We dropped Avery off at my mom's afterward and had a picnic at Murray Park (where he proposed to me) and then went and saw Transformers 2. After that, we picked Avery up and went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse, and then went home, put Avery to bed, and cuddled to a movie

Thanks Neil for an amazing 6 years and for many more to come! You fill my life with such joy and I love you so much!!!

P.S. He went with the chocolate theme and got me a DIVINE box of See's chocolates, which he handpicked all of my favorites! Can I just say HEAVEN?!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Swiss Days

Every year over Labor Day weekend we go up to Swiss Days in Midway with Neil's family. Since my Parents' have a condo up there now, we often make a weekend out of it.

Avery loves her Grandma!

We love watching/listening to Kerry Christensen perform.

And we couldn't go without a Swiss Days scone!!

Avery had fun with Grandma and Grandpa at the condo.

And we even had an unexpected visitor drop by!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Smokin' Hot

Wildfires make the air gross and smoky, but they sure make for beautiful sunsets!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

First time camping

We went with some friends of ours camping up in Tooele County. It was Avery's first time camping and she did great!

We had lots of great fun...


and laughter!!

She slept great, and woke up happy as can be!

We made omelets for breakfast,

and swung in the hammock.

We walked to a park and played in the grass...

Went down a slide (with a little apprehension) ...

And had a jolly old time!

So much fun, in fact, that we wore ourselves right out!

Pretty soon she was going...going...gone!

Life is filled with such precious moments!!

Thanks Phil and Jenn, Grant and Lincoln, for a wonderful time!! Love you guys!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here kitty kitty...

Watch out Tonka....

There's an Avery near by...

And you never know what moment she'll strike...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

God's country

There's something special about God's country. The sounds are different, the air is different - it's so invigorating.

It makes you want to bathe in a cool mountain lake...

Or be anyone you want to be...

Or conquer the world...

Or even fly...

It's such a peaceful, quite, reflective place. Full of adventures yet to come...

Treasures to be found...

Memories to be made...

It's so relaxing, it makes you wish you could just lie down and go to sleep...

At least one of us could! :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raspberry fields forever

Okay, okay, I know it's supposed to be "strawberry fields forever." But humor me here.

I was just doing some browsing online and happened to come across a website for a "pick-your-own" raspberry farm in Payson. I grew up with huge raspberry plants in my backyard, and still cherish the days when we could fill bowls full of fresh raspberries, top them with milk and sugar for breakfast. Not only would it be a fun experience, but they only charge $2 per pound!! When the can average anywhere from $8 to $12 a pound at the grocery store, we HAD to go down there!

Just the smell alone when you step out of the car brought back so many memories from my childhood. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it still!
We picked and picked and picked. When dad got tired of holding Avery, mom picked some more while dad took Avery to play on the grass.

When all was said and done, we left with 6 pounds of fresh red raspberries, and a wonderful memory that we will always cherish - all for only $12!

They're open until the frost hits...


Hurry before we go back and pick all that's left!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Once in a lifetime!

You know how you sometimes have a moment in time that is so unique, so rare, that it's quite possible that at that moment, you're experiencing something that you may never experience again in your lifetime?!


This was one of those moments for me!!

I'm an incredibly slow eater! I like to savor each bite, and always make sure that I chew thoroughly. My brother teases me that when I was little I used to take an hour to eat ONE oreo cookie. Neil is the exact opposite. He's a shoveler (as his mom calls it). When he was little, he used to scoot his chair as far away from the table as possible, bend over with his mouth open by the edge of his plate, and just scoop it in. He doesn't eat food, he inhales it. After eating a nice plate of spaghetti, garlic bread, and green beans, I soon came to realize that lo and behold.....

I had finished first!!

It could have been that we had company staying with us, so Neil was on his best behavior and didn't gobble it all up. But I knew that this moment may never happen again, and that I needed proof that "once upon a time..." I DID eat my food faster than him.

Pretty sure it'll never happen again!