Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boy or Girl?

It’s definitely a GIRL!! We are both SO excited to finally know and to start planning for her arrival! I’m sure the next question from most of you will be “What are you going to name her?” We haven’t decided yet, so we’re not going to tell anyone until we know for sure – Sorry! :( Apparently everyone else has more “intuition” than myself though, ‘cause I had no inclination one way or the other. I’m not one bit disappointed that it’s not twins either!!

The three dots in a triangle means a girl!

The whole process of the ultrasound was amazing!! She was so active and kept kicking her legs back and forth, and stretching her arms over her head! She stretched her whole body out, arching her back and everything. It’s just amazing that she’s only 4 inches long and moving so much, yet I couldn’t feel it. I’m 99% sure I have felt her twice though. Once was on a Sunday driving home from Neil’s brother’s house, and the other was the morning of the ½ marathon – I think she was wishing Daddy good luck! I just feel so lucky to have this sweet little daughter join our family. I feel so bonded with her already! (Probably sounds cheesy, but it’s so true!)

It's kind of hard to make out, but her face is turned toward the camera, you can see her eye sockets, her little nose, cheekbones, and chin.

Just a quick plug for Fetal Fotos – it was TOTALLY worth it! For anyone who’s anxious to find out the gender, or even who just wants another glimpse at their little one, I would totally recommend it! We got 8 printed images, a CD of probably 30 digital images, and a 5 minute video set to music of the whole thing! Neil and I watched it again before we went to bed last night. It’s kind of like my little window inside the womb! We are both thrilled to be pregnant, dying for her arrival, and anxious to be parents! We know it will be hard work, but we are looking forward to every minute of it! Thank you all for your support and for your enthusiasm in sharing our excitement!

Isn't she beautiful?

Monday, April 21, 2008


Neil, Landon, and Dave

Even though I don't think he reads our blog very often, I wanted to take a minute and tell Neil how proud I am of him!! He ran the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon this past Saturday and he did outstanding for his first run!! His sister Lindsey (a veteran runner) challenged the family to start training back in November. We both had signed up, but after finding out I was pregnant, I decided it would be better to just try next year. Neil, his brother Landon, his sister Lindsey, and their dad Dave all ran the 1/2 Marathon. Lindsey's husband Ed and their aunt Heidi ran the 5k.
Neil running

It was so fun to drive to each of the "Celebration Stations" and get pictures of them and cheer them on. At some of the stops, I barely had shown up when he would pass me - they all did such a good job! He ran the whole way, never stopping to walk except at water stations! I can't even tell you how proud I am of him!! Not just him - ALL of them! Neil's dad Dave has had a bad knee for a few months and wasn't sure if he'd be able to do it. Then just over a week ago he tore his rotator cuff! He was a trooper for going through with it!

Here are some of Neil's stats:
- Chip Time : 2:20:35
- Chip Pace : 10:43
- Age Division : 163 / 216
- Place Overall : 2496 / 3819

Once again, I just want to let him know how proud I am of such a wonderful accomplishment! WAY TO GO BABE!! I love you!

Neil & Landon

Monday, April 14, 2008


So I’m feeling pretty fat – even though I know there’s a baby in there! I’m 14 weeks and already in maternity clothes!!! I swear I’m having twins! I can’t even begin to describe how excited I would be if it really is! I’ve had a few people tell me they think it’ll be a boy and a girl, some tell me it’s a boy, and others say it’s a girl. So I thought it would be fun to ask what YOU all think? Post a comment on what you think we are having, and in just over a week we’ll be able to see who was right! :) Because I’m so impatient when it comes to exciting surprises, we’re going to Fetal Fotos next week to find out the gender. I have a nursery to plan so I need to get the ball rolling! Let’s see who guesses right – maybe I’ll even have a prize for the winner(s)! ;)