Monday, February 23, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

(Us posing as Mary & Joseph)

I know it's super late, but I wanted to catch up. So for our Ward Christmas party this year, they did a “Night in Bethlehem.” I’m sure many of you have seen or done something similar before, but our ward made it AWESOME this year! Neil and I always go pick up this life size nativity scenery that my parents ward made many years ago and don’t use anymore. Coupled with the booths that different people did, the night turned out amazing! The YW were in charge of the Nativity, so Avery had her first acting role. She played baby Jesus. She screamed her little heart out the entire time (I think she thought it was a speaking role) but you couldn’t hear her crying unless you were right up at the stage, so people hardly even knew she was crying. I sang “Silent Night” right before the closing prayer. Afterwards, some people that have a farm in our ward (Many of our ward members do actually) brought a big sheep and a donkey and gave the kids donkey rides up and down the sidewalk. I cut in line so Avery didn’t have to be out in the cold for very long. Though I just got a picture, not a ride. It was a very fun evening!!

(The Stable decorations)

(Mary & Joseph during the Nativity)

(The produce shop)

(The toy shop)

(The Bishop's winery ... or rather a "well")

(The bakery)

(Avery & I with a sheep)

(Riding a donkey into Bethlehem)


Suzie said...

Love the Christmas party!
And I'll tell ya, Aves has stolen my heart over the internet!
Glad you're still blogging. But I need to meet that girl in person. Soon.

Launi said...

You make a beautiful Mary! And man a real donkey? Yikes--you're a good sport. Come get water chicky...I miss you guys.

Laura said...

I Love that last pic with you and Avery on the donkey!